Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Following You'll Find Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions
Here, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions we receive about our email marketing services. Whether you’re a new client or a long-time partner, this resource is designed to provide quick and helpful information to address your inquiries. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please feel free to contact our support team for further assistance.
What does a full-service email marketing agency do?
A full-service email marketing agency offers end-to-end email services that include all the aspects of an email marketing campaign including the following:
Conducts market research on the client's business.
Plans and strategizes the message, timing, and campaign types.
Segments the subscriber list for personalization.
Collaborates with the client on selecting and customizing campaign types.
Creates the subject lines and messaging.
Creates or uses stock images that align with the company's branding.
Adheres to email best practices and legal requirements.
Designs and codes the email templates.
Performs all inbox and spam testing.
Schedules and automates the campaign's send.
Tracks and reports on engagement.
Manages the subscriber list.
Reach out to learn more.
Can I use my own creative for the email?
Yes! We can certainly build the email using your own creative as long as the design is possible to do in an email.
There are certain limitations with every ESP, device, and platform that renders the email, but often all that is needed are small adjustments with the creative and you're all set.
If you want to check with us to make sure your design is feasible or what adjustments need to be made, feel free to send a mockup of your design and we're more than happy to take a look and give you recommendations at no charge.
You can send us an email at or set up some time on our calendar for a meeting.
Engagement & Reporting
How soon after an email is sent will I receive my report?
We can send a preliminary report to you a day or two after the email is sent. Typically most of the engagement is final about two weeks after an email is sent and we will send you a final report then.
What is the difference between a Hard Bounce and a Soft Bounce?
A Hard Bounce occurs when the email address no longer exists or has blocked your email address or domain.
A Soft Bounce occurs when the email address is temporarily undeliverable due to often resolvable issues, such as a full mailbox, server downtime, message size limits, or timeouts.
What is the difference between the Number of Bounces and the Bounce Rate?
The Number of Bounces is the total number of individual bounces received in a particular email campaign. The Bounce Rate is the number of Bounces divided by the total number of emails sent.
Is it bad to send an email that Soft Bounced?
Not at first, you can try again on different days or times to send the email, but you'll want to remove that email address if you're still receiving the Soft Bounce. If you don't remove them after that, it will eventually affect your sender's reputation with that mailbox provider.
A good email marketer or email-sending platform won't let your soft bounces get out of hand and will remove the Soft Bounces after 3 - 5 tries.
Email Authentication
What is Email Authentication?
Email authentication is a way for Email Service Providers (ESPs), such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Outlook, to determine if the person sending emails for your company has permission to do so.
Your DNS needs the correct SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) records added to point to the sending email servers.
Can we skip setting this step if we're only sending one email blast?
Since it is a requirement of most (if not all) mailbox providers that you set up all the necessary methods of authentication, it is one of the most important steps in sending out any email and cannot be skipped.
What is an SPF Record?
An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record specifies the list of IPs or domains allowed to send email for your domain, and what to do with the email if they aren't in the record.
What happens if we send an email out without authenticating?
Every domain has a trust score, and every email address has a sender rating. If a company tries to send an email without authenticating, it will negatively affect your domain's trust score with every ESP that receives your email. Trying to send an email to a subscriber list will lower that score for every address on the list, and very quickly your domain will get blacklisted. If you keep trying to send without fixing the issue, some providers, like Google, can also blacklist your domain from their search engine.
What is a DKIM Signature?
DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authenticates every email which creates a signature of the content of the message.
DKIM signatures allow ESPs to associate email with the sender and verify that the content of the email has not been changed during transmission.
How do I update my DNS records?
If your company owns the domain, your IT or systems administrator will need to update these records in your DNS.
If you own your domain, you'll be able to update these records yourself by logging into your domain's host provider and adding the records there.
Every domain host provider is slightly different in the steps needed. Let us know what host you use and we'll help you find the steps necessary.
What is a DMARC Policy?
A DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policy allows a sender to indicate that their messages are protected by DKIM and/or SPF, and tells a receiver what to do if neither of those authentication methods passes.
Can you update my DNS records for me?
Yes! EchoFetch can update your DNS records if we're given access to login to your domain's host provider.
Files & Formatting
What file format do you prefer the subscriber list in?
We request you send the subscriber list in .csv to reduce errors on upload.
What are the typical dimensions of an email?
We recommend any fixed widths should be 320px wide (the width of a phone screen) and adjust to 600-680px wide for desktops at 72dpi.
What file format do you prefer the creative files in?
We prefer layered formats in .psd, .ai, .eps, or .pdf for any working files.
For files that can't be sent in layers, we request they be sent in .png or .pdf
What other design requirements do you have for creating emails?
There should be a sufficient color contrast between the font and the background for ADA compliance:
17pt font and below needs a minimum of 4.5:1 color contrast.
18pt font and above needs a minimum of 3:1 color contrast.
Use web-safe fonts as not all email clients can render custom fonts.
Use no smaller than a 14pt font for small copy, and no smaller than 16pt for the body copy.
Link copy should be underlined or stand out for ADA compliance.
Buttons and links should be about the size of your thumb, or between 44-48px squared.
Ensure no copy, or copy that will be embedded in an image, includes spammy words. Some email providers have OCR and will pick up on these words that land your email in the junk folder.
How do I send you my files?
EchoFetch will create a personal link to your client folder to log into using a web browser where you can upload your subscriber list, company logo, and any creative and copy to.
Email Marketing Best Practices
When is the best time to send email marketing?
The best time to send an email is late morning when people working 9-5 office jobs go through their inboxes and have already had their coffee.
The second best time is when people are still at work on their computers and checking their email closer to the end of the work day.
What is the average open rate for email marketing?
The average open rate for email marketing varies by industry, anywhere from 10% to a whopping 50%, but the average overall is around 40%.
Note: Open rates increased in September 2021 when Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) started rolling out. These higher open rates are from Apple downloading remote content in the background by default, hiding any true opens.When is the best day to send email marketing?
The best days to send email marketing are during the middle of the work week. People usually feel less stress when they get caught up on their tasks and are more open to purchasing.
The second best day is Monday, but use your more valuable content because many people are especially busy after the weekend.
What is the average click rate for email marketing?
The average click rate for email marketing varies by industry, but it is typically between 1% and 5%, with the average overall being around 3%.
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